
Public-speaking helps kids stand up to bullies

Photo by Mikhail Nilov:

Advantages of public-speaking for children include articulating their ideas more effectively, communicating with different audiences, and standing up for themselves.

How can public-speaking skills help a child deal with bullies. What’s the child supposed to do? Give a speech to the bully on why he or she should stop picking on others?

The biggest reason that developing public-speaking skills can help in this area actually doesn’t have to do with giving a speech.

Public-speaking is consistently ranked as the top fear for most people. Learning these skills at a young age before the fear has had a chance to become deeply ingrained is not only going to help the child perform better in the academic environment but is also going to help with social interaction. As children practice and improve their public-speaking skills, their confidence is also going to grow. They are going to find it easier to use their voices.

In this article, Can learning public-speaking help kids avoid ending up at the back of the line? — SHEILA NAZARI), I wrote that instead of first developing the confidence to learn public speaking, public-speaking should be viewed as a tool to help children develop confidence as they grow. School is basically a group setting, so an introvert, may view themselves as always doing some form of “public-speaking.” I wrote about how learning public-speaking skills at a young age would have made it easier for me to speak up to my peers in school settings where I wanted to say something but was afraid to use my voice.  

Public-speaking can help children develop confidence in themselves and their communication skills so that they can use their voice when needed.

When I was in the third grade, there was a girl who would ask to borrow my markers and then she would keep one for herself. This continued until I was down to half of the markers I had started with. I didn’t want to make a scene and tell her to give them back to me because I didn’t have the confidence to confront her and I was afraid of being overheard by others in the class. If I had developed my public-speaking skills by that age, I would’ve been more likely to speak up. I also wish that I had been able to use my voice to defend others who were being picked on.

For this reason, I felt called upon to write the book, Super Speaker, which teaches public-speaking via an entertaining fiction story through the eyes of Gia, a girl struggling to deal with the changes that come with starting middle school. In addition to the themes of public-speaking and friendship, there is also an anti-bullying theme. Gia, the main character, develops her speaking skills and uses her voice to stand up for kids who are being bullied. She is a multi-faceted character who turns into a bit of a bully herself in order to fit in and has to learn how to become herself and use her voice to help others. Practical public-speaking tips are intertwined into the story using my exclusive 5 P’s of Presentation model.

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Print version will be available soon! Super Speaker eBook : Nazari, Sheila, DKC, Adrian: Kindle Store

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